
Creating gurps extensions fantasy grounds ii
Creating gurps extensions fantasy grounds ii

creating gurps extensions fantasy grounds ii

The Falkovnians are also aided by a surprisingly competent intelligence ministry (Nachrichtendienst) and a shadowy Thirteenth Directorate thereof. Falkovnian forces are superior but Darkonian defensive forces enjoy advantages in familiarity and local support.Falkovnia and Darkon come to open hostilities, and one plot arc will examine the nature of invasion, occupation, regime change, and propaganda vs.At several points, she will have to choose between the Vistani and the Shadowborn. Her struggles between her mixed heritage, and the process of learning about her past, will form the basis of her personal memory arc.

#Creating gurps extensions fantasy grounds ii Pc

One PC is part-Vistani (gypsylike wanderers) and part-Shadowborn (otherworldly interlopers).The investigation into their lost histories is one plot arc, culminating in their confrontation against their tormentor. The PCs who were recovered from outside of Darkon are missing their memories and all bear scars of torture at the hands of an unknown Falkovnian tormentor.This leadership structure is not always harmonious and the PCs will have to choose between masters once in a while. The Agency divides its decision-making across the Agency Head and her four Stockmasters.One entity in particular is the Magreji Repatriation Fund ("MFP"). The Agency deals with several business entities as its clients, and the nature of these entities and their questionable aims or methods will form another plot arc.The adventurers have little choice, since three of them are missing their memories and the fourth is the Agency employee responsible for the other three. The Agency will serve as their "mission assigner" structure. Adventurers serve l'Agence d'Affaires ("the Agency"), an organization in Darkon.The "villains" are also intended to be a deeply ambiguous group of people. Divine, cosmic, or karmic retribution is a futile hope - it is the actions of individuals that move the world. This campaign is intended to challenge conventional concepts of "good" and "evil", and to encourage the PCs to focus instead on motives, causes, and consequences. More will be added as the players encounter them. These arcs are only the "publicly revealed" arcs so far. 4.19.6 Meeting at the Keep, Various Resolutions.4.18 Returning from Il Aluk and Entry to Nartok 2013. Confronting Thesseldarmenias, the Waveshapers' plan.4.17.4 Closing in on the priestess, Nadia's powers awaken.4.17.1 Entering the villa - boathouse tunnel.4.16 The Preacher's Pestle apothecary shop 2013. A Night at the Opera, with Byron May.4.14 Solo Adventure: Nadia's Showdown with the Darkling Bogdan Tireš 2013. Vorjek's household and the Vistani casting.4.12.3 Back to Velnarest, meeting Dale Reeve and the Bec bandits.4.12 Vistani extraction, return to Darkon 2013. Dreams of Bukcsa, and the Erlösunghaus Assault 2013. Introduction, improved prospects?.4.7.5 Operation Harkov: Endgame - Harkov unveiled.4.7.4 Day Seven - preparations for a crisis.4.7.3 Day Six - more misinformation and following Harkov.4.7.2 Day Four - feeding misinformation and closing in on Harkov.4.7.1 Day Three - finding Harkov's courier.4.7 Operation Harkov: locating the leak 2013. Day One - mole hunt begins, suspects identified.4.6.1 Day Zero: Fall of Featherstone Heights Fortress - mole suspected.4.6 Operation Harkov: a traitor in the ranks 2013. Songs with Ardellia, the book wants to be friends.4.5.2 Back in Nartok: an Eternal Order service, a ramparts execution, a view of the nobles from afar.4.5.1 Stranded in the twilight, trouble with marauders.4.5 Outlands, farmstead, and a score to settle in Nartok 2013. To Velnarest, meeting the Shay bandits.4.4.2 Mission parameters and meeting the bard.4.4 Introductions: Nartok Keep and the village of Velnarest 2013.03.09.

Creating gurps extensions fantasy grounds ii